Sandy Cyfers Band

Universal Bar & Grill - North Hollywood, CA (Jan. 14, 2010)

Mr. Ricks - Avila Beach, CA (Jan. 15, 2010)

California Photo Shoot (Malibu, CA) - Courtesy of Kirk Bachman

Habitat For Humanity Benefit - Lebanon, TN (October 23, 2009)


V Club - Huntington, WV (October 2, 2009)

Sports Page - Columbia, TN (February 20, 2010)

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Fankell Rally - Grayson, KY (May 15, 2010)

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Coalfield Jamboree - Logan, WV (June 5, 2010)

MORE Coalfield Jamboree

Howell/Murray Barn Showcase - Nashville, TN (July 17, 2010)

The Aunt Jennie Music Festival - Logan, WV (Sept 4, 2010)

Sandy Cyfers/Blackwater Outlaws Show - Logan, WV (Oct 2, 2010)


Photo/Video Shoot Snapshots - Franklin, TN

WV Freedom Festival - Logan, WV (June 30, 2011)

MORE - WV FF (Photos by David Hager Photography)

Various (The Voice, Chicago/Los Angeles, Nashville) 2012 - 2013